Environmental Facts
Environmental Facts...
Over 15 million hectares of old growth are either protected or in areas that are not planned to be harvested.
British Columbia's entire annual harvest comes from less than 200,000 hectares - less than 1 per cent of the working forest.
The government makes over 45,000 inspections of industry practices each year and has found 98 per cent compliance.
To protect lands in their natural state forever, British Columbia has protected almost 12 millions hectares.
By law, all harvested areas must be reforested. The 5 billionth tree will soon be planted.
More than 200 million seedlings, or about 3 seedlings for every tree cut, are planted every year to supplement natural re-growth.
There is more old growth in British Columbia now than there was 100 years ago.
The Forest Practices Code of British Columbia was adopted in 1995 and requires some of the most stringent forest practices requirements in the world.
More than half of British Columbia's forested area has had little or no human disturbance.
Second growth forests are growing 20-30 per cent faster than predicted.
The World Wildlife Fund target for total protected forest area has already been met.
Since 1992, 300 new protected areas have been created.